Oxygen, HBOT & Viral Infections

Discover the potent synergy of Oxygen and HBOT in combating viral infections at Hyperbaric Health. Explore advanced treatments for viral illnesses.

There is much discussion concerning the possible effectiveness of oxygen therapy on the current influenza infections.

It is standard procedure to put the respiratory-compromised patients on supplemental oxygen. 3- 5 lpm from oxygen concentrators or pressurized cylinder oxygen is the first step. The oxygen stalls the oxidative stress and gives the body time to activate the normal immune responses.

Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium & oxygen are all good support steps for fighting influenza. Good to do before the pulmonary system is over-stressed.

Any amount of additional oxygen is beneficial and there is no short-term negatives associated with supplemental oxygen therapy.

Viral Infections from Covid-19

In the case of the COVID-19 bug, its glycoproteins bond to the hemeglobin and dis-associate the iron ion. This un-bonded ion does not carry oxygen and the hemeglobin itself cannot carry oxygen without the iron. Free-floating iron results in high levels of oxidative stress and greater inflammatory response.

As the immune system weakens further from infection and lung inflammation, oxygen saturation levels fall and organs begin to take damage.

In the COVID-19 case, as the condition progresses, greater and greater iron ions are stripped from their hemoglobin. Adding oxygen at this point is almost a wasted effort as the molecule simply cannot carry oxygen at this point. The ventilator craze is another wasted effort at this point because even though the patient is breathing 100% oxygen, insufficient oxygen is available to the total bloodstream (hematocrit).

Short of a full transfusion of fresh red cells the only option is pressure; Simple physics.

Additional and sufficient Oxygen can only be added by saturating the plasma and this can only be done under pressure. 1.3 ata PO2 (135kPa) increases the oxygen level in plasma to 250%. 1.5 ata increases the saturation level to 700%. Of course this pressurization requires a hyperbaric chamber.

This not only allows adequate oxygen to reach the blood and therefore the whole rest of the body but hyperbaric oxygen therapy also inhibits the inflammatory process, allowing healing from the viral infection. The anti-inflammatory effects of oxygen, especially when increased in the body by hyperbaric oxygen therapy, are well documented. We know inflammation, even inflamasomes, cannot exist unless oxygen saturation is low.

Treating high-risk Coronavirus patients – those who have the Coronavirus and who suffer from an underlying issue such as pulmonary disease, pneumonia, cardiac disease, diabetes, etc – with hyperbaric oxygen therapy will save lives. HBOT adds oxygen to hypoxic tissue, reduces

inflammation, strengthens the immune system to defeat the Coronavirus – all the while improving the underlying medical condition which could otherwise be fatal.

Note that in March 2020, the World Health Organization said that “Oxygen therapy is the major treatment intervention for patients with severe COVID-19. All countries should work to optimize the availability of pulse oximeters and medical oxygen systems.”

Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Help in the Treatment of Viral Infections?

While HBOT is primarily used to increase oxygen levels in the body and promote healing, it is not a direct treatment for viral infections like the common cold or flu. It may have some supportive benefits, such as strengthening the immune system, but it should not be considered a replacement for antiviral medications or vaccines when available.

Are There Any Viral Infections That HBOT Can Be Used to Support Treatment?

HBOT is occasionally used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for certain viral infections, particularly those associated with tissue damage or compromised blood supply. However, its application is typically determined on a case-by-case basis by healthcare professionals. It’s crucial to consult with a medical expert to determine if HBOT may be beneficial for your specific viral infection and to explore other appropriate treatment options.